For partners

Why should you submit a challenge?

If you are in search of smart ways to accelerate innovation in your company and want to fast-forward solutions to current challenges, the Innovation Challenge is the way to make an impact.
When you decide to submit a challenge, we will discuss the current challenges you are facing within you organisation.
Then, we formulate the actual document that describes the challenges and transform this into an infographic that instantly gives the viewer an idea of the challenge. This will then be shared on several marketing and communications platforms, as well as the website.

This gives innovators the opportunity to apply their solution to the challenge. Also, we look for solutions in our existing database of innovative companies.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to discuss the possibilities for your organisation.

What’s in it for partners?

Save time and money on a time-consuming process of problem solving and innovation.

Get positive exposure: for new business, clients and collaborations with start-ups outside your current scope.

Insights in new technologies and possibilities for your business.

Find new innovations: that are commercially viable and technically feasible.

Access to a broad network: 100+ innovative SME’s, start-ups and research institutes active in the industry to help you to provide innovative solutions.

Let’s get started

Submit a challenge