For innovators

Why should you apply?

The Offshore Innovation Challenge offers innovators a unique chance to access the growing offshore industry, collaborate with industry partners and other innovators, accelerate their innovation process, gain potential customers, receive publicity and exposure, and potentially test their solutions. It is an ideal platform for those seeking to accelerate innovation, address current challenges, and make a positive impact on the Dutch offshore sector.
If you would like to make use of this opportunity to possibly accelerate your solution and grow your company, don’t hesitate to apply!

What’s in it for innovators?

Publicity Support: we support you by raising awareness of your innovations and technology within the industry, starting with press articles in our network and Media channels.

Possible Launching Customer: by demonstrating your innovative concept or solution and running a pilot, you get direct access to industry partners.

Expert Coaching and steering from the leading business partners during the ‘pitch & ask’ and boot camp.

Test opportunity: The winners can win an opportunity to test their solutions if this is offered by the business partner.

Let’s get started

Apply for a challenge